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2003-12-12 - 1:55 p.m.

Raul (from the party, friend of Hugo)and I went out again the other night and it was damn near awful. The conversation was nonexistent. He took me to the Casa de Mezcal where we had to yell to talk and bought me three drinks without asking. He kept touching his knee to mine and when I moved away he would follow me so that I ended up smashed into a corner with my legs impossibly twisted so that he couldn't touch me. And after all that, he tried to kiss me in the middle of the bar! It was so awkward. He asked me if I had had an abortion!!?? Finally I said, 'I don't think we have any chemistry.' And so while he was drinking the rest of the beer I didn't want and as he was walking me home, he was explaining to me why I wasn't interested in guys right now.


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