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2003-12-08 - 7:37 p.m.

'Gustar' in Spanish means 'to like.'

For example: 'Me gustan las peliculas de Terry Gilliam' Or 'Me gusta queso'; 'Me gusta la ciudad Oaxaca'; 'Me gusta hablar con Mexicanos.'

However, when you use it in reference to a person, it means 'to like' (wink wink nudge nudge). If you just 'like' someone, you say 'Me cae bien (insert name) .'

It is kinda hard to get used to this. People ask you all the time 'What do you think about Mexico? This city? Our food? The art?' And you say 'Me gusta ______ .' I think I say 'Me gusta' at least 3 times a day.

And then you get into a situation where, say ... you're at a party with a date and you're really enjoying the silly dances his friend Hugo is doing. And then it turns out Hugo is a filmmaker and you have this great conversation with him about The Lady from Shanghai.

So later, when your date asks 'Are you having a good time?' you might very well answer 'Si. Me gusta mucho este bar. Me gusta mucho Hugo.'



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